Elements and Renderers

Note: If you’re familiar with how elements work in React, you may want to skip ahead to the guide on components. Elements in Crank work almost exactly like they do in React.

Transpiling JSX

Crank works with JSX, a well-supported, XML-like syntax extension to JavaScript.

Two types of JSX transpilation

There are two ways to transform JSX: the classic and automatic transforms. Crank supports both formats.

The classic transform turns JSX elements into createElement() calls.

/** @jsx createElement */
import {createElement} from "@b9g/crank";

const el = <div id="element">An element</div>;

Transpiles to:

import {createElement} from "@b9g/crank";

const el = createElement("div", {id: "element"}, "An element");

With the classic transform, the createElement function must be manually imported. The automatic transform turns JSX elements into function calls from an automatically imported namespace.

/** @jsxImportSource @b9g/crank */

const profile = (
<img src="avatar.png" class="profile" />
<h3>{[user.firstName, user.lastName].join(" ")}</h3>

Transpiles to:

import { jsx as _jsx } from "@b9g/crank/jsx-runtime";
import { jsxs as _jsxs } from "@b9g/crank/jsx-runtime";

const profile = _jsxs("div", {
children: [
_jsx("img", {
src: "avatar.png",
"class": "profile",
_jsx("h3", {
children: [user.firstName, user.lastName].join(" "),

The automatic transform has the benefit of not requiring manual imports. Beyond this fact, there is no difference between the two transforms, and the provided _jsx()/_jsxs() functions are wrappers around createElement().


Crank provides two renderer subclasses for the web: one for managing DOM nodes in a front-end application, available through the module @b9g/crank/dom, and one for creating HTML strings, available through the module @b9g/crank/html. You can use these modules to render interactive user interfaces in the browser and HTML responses on the server.

import {renderer as DOMRenderer} from "@b9g/crank/dom";
import {renderer as HTMLRenderer} from "@b9g/crank/html";

const el = <div id="hello">Hello world</div>;
const node = document.createElement("div");
DOMRenderer.render(el, node);
console.log(node.innerHTML); // <div id="element">Hello world</div>

const html = HTMLRenderer.render(el);
console.log(html); // <div id="element">Hello world</div>

The Parts of an Element

Image of a JSX element

An element can be thought of as having three main parts: a tag, props and children. These roughly correspond to the syntax for HTML, and for the most part, you can copy-paste HTML into JSX-flavored JavaScript and have things work as you would expect. The main difference is that JSX has to be well-balanced like XML, so void tags must have a closing slash (<hr /> not <hr>). Also, if you forget to close an element or mismatch opening and closing tags, the parser will throw an error, whereas HTML can be unbalanced or malformed and mostly still work.


Tags are the first part of a JSX element expression, and can be thought of as the “name” or “type” of the element. JSX transpilers pass the tag of an element to the resulting createElement() call as its first argument.

const intrinsicEl = <div />;
// transpiles to:
const intrinsicEl1 = createElement("div", null);

const componentEl = <Component />;
// transpiles to:
const componentEl1 = createElement(Component, null);

By convention, JSX parsers treat lowercase tags (<br />) as strings and capitalized tags (<Break />) as variables. When a tag is a string, this signifies that the element will be handled by the renderer. We call these types of elements host or intrinsic elements, and for both of the web renderers, these correspond exactly to actual HTML elements, like <div> or <input>.

As we’ll see later, elements can also have tags which are functions, in which case the behavior of the element is defined not by the renderer but by the execution of the referenced function. Elements with function tags are called component elements.


JSX transpilers combine the attribute-like key="value" syntax to a single object for each element. We call this object the props object, short for “properties.”

const myClass = "my-class";
const el = <div id="my-id" class={myClass} />;
// transpiles to:
const el1 = createElement("div", {id: "my-id", "class": myClass});

console.log(el.props); // {id: "my-id", "class": "my-class"}

The value of each prop is a string if the string-like syntax is used (key="value"), or it can be an interpolated JavaScript expression by placing the value in curly brackets (key={value}). You can use props to “pass” values into host and component elements, similar to how you “pass” arguments into functions when invoking them.

Spread props

You can use the special JSX ... syntax to “spread” it into an element. This works similarly to ES6 spread syntax.

const props = {id: "1", src: "https://example.com/image", alt: "An image"};
const el = <img {...props} id="2" />;
// transpiles to:
const el1 = createElement("img", {...props, id: "2"});

console.log(el.props); // {id: "2", src: "https://example.com/image", alt: "An image"}


As with HTML, Crank elements can have contents, surrounded by opening and closing tags. These contents are referred to as the element’s children. Because elements can have children which are also elements, they form a tree of nodes which we call the element tree.

const list = (
<li>Element 1</li>
<li>Element 2</li>

// transpiles to:
const list1 = createElement("ul", null,
createElement("li", null, "Element 1"),
createElement("li", null, "Element 2"),

console.log(list.props.children.length); // 2

By default, JSX parsers interpret the contents of elements as strings. So for instance, in the JSX expression <p>Hello world</p>, the children of the <p> element would be the string "Hello world".

However, just as with prop values, you can use curly brackets to interpolate JavaScript expressions into an element’s children. Besides elements and strings, almost every value in JavaScript can participate in an element tree.

Numbers are rendered as strings. The values null, undefined, true and false are erased, so you can conditionally render items with short-circuit evaluation or conditional expressions.

const el = <div>{"a"}{1 + 1}{true}{false}{null}{undefined}</div>;
console.log(el.props.children); // ["a", 2, true, false, null, undefined]
renderer.render(el, document.body);
console.log(document.body.innerHTML); // <div>a2</div>

Crank allows arbitrarily nested iterables of values to be interpolated as children, so, for instance, you can insert arrays or sets of elements into element trees.

const arr = [1, 2, 3];
const set = new Set(["a", "b", "c"]);
renderer.render(<div>{arr} {set}</div>, document.body);
console.log(document.body.innerHTML); // "<div>123 abc</div>"

Element Diffing

Crank uses the same “virtual DOM” diffing algorithm made popular by React, where elements are compared by tag and position to reuse DOM nodes. This approach allows you to write declarative code which focuses on producing the right tree, while the framework does the dirty work of mutating the DOM efficiently.


const div = document.body.firstChild;
const span = document.body.firstChild.firstChild;

console.log(document.body.firstChild === div); // true
console.log(document.body.firstChild.firstChild === span); // true